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Occasion to Love

By Maria Fontaine

Christmas is not only a time to enjoy the blessings of friends, family, and loved ones. It’s also the greatest opportunity of the year to tell others how they can experience the wonderful love that comes through knowing Jesus. It’s a chance to give the very best gifts this Christmas, not only to the ones we know best and hold dear, but also to neighbors and strangers who share our world.

There are those around you whose hearts are weary or sorrowful, who yearn for love, acceptance, and peace of mind, who are beset by problems too big for them and cry out for a Savior. Jesus loves them and wants to take them in His arms, wipe away their tears, and fill their hearts with peace and reassurance. But He who is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-loving must have your help. You are His eyes to see their need and love them, His ears to hear their cry and His heart to respond, His voice to comfort them, His arms to embrace them.

You can make a difference this Christmas! Even the humblest attempt to share the little you may have will shine as a bright light in someone’s life. Your little “candle” can be seen and reflected in the lives of others as a ray of hope and faith to penetrate discouragement and fear.

Reach out to others with deeds of love and words of hope. Show them by your example how Jesus came to love them. Celebrate with them the birthday of a living Savior, born into our world that He might die in order to rise again to rescue us from the burden of sin and death and fear and loneliness.

Let’s not stop with Christmas. Let’s keep sharing and giving and loving just as much throughout the year to come. Let’s make each day a celebration of Jesus’ birth, His death, and His resurrection that promises new life for all.